Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nourish Our World 5K Run

We woke up early this morning to participate in the Nourish Our World 5K run.  Courtney took the two youngest girls and the stroller, while Mark took Olivia.  This would allow Mark and Olivia to run the race and not be held back.  Actually, it didn't quite work out that way!  Within 100 yards, Olivia complained her knees hurt and she was tired.  Thus, Mark and Olivia ended up walking most of the way.  At least this gave lots of good father-daughter time to talk about toughness and perseverance.  On the other hand, Courtney managed to run most of the race and finished with a decent time.  Regardless of running or walking, a good time was had by all, and the funds went to a good cause. 

The best part was replenishing our energy supplies afterwards at IHOP!  Enjoy some fun snapshots from the run below.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm Free!!!!

Olivia surprised us last night by grabbing the neighbor's bike and hitting the street.  So, today she wanted the training wheels off of her bike.  Then, she cruised up the street and back with no problems.  T - 10 years and counting until she is doing this in a car!  Yikes!

Monday, July 04, 2011