After diving, we did a little furniture shopping, but we didn't fall in love with anything in particular. So, no new furniture yet. When we returned home, Courtney and Mark were able to indulge in massages from a therapist at the gym. We are both quite certain we will be sore tomorrow. I (Mark) knew I was in trouble when she jumped on the table and popped my back! But, it was also very nice.
And, to close the day, we enjoyed a birthday party for a friend. So, good food, good company, and a good time was had by all. And that is how a good Day Off is spent.
What about tomorrow? Work, cleaning, studying, etc. Ugh! Time to catch up. Hope to post more pictures soon. Until then . . .
Olivia Grace Taylor February 5, 2005
OK. So those are the highlights. Obviously, some details were left out, like the fact that Mark is a proud officer in the US Air Force, we bought and sold our first home in Warrensburg, MO while Mark was stationed at Whiteman AFB and our greatest joy was expected on Mark's birthday-March 22-but surprised everyone by coming into this world on February 5 at a whopping 4 lbs 6 oz. The pics above are from her first days and were all taken during the three weeks she was at Children's Mercy Hospital in K.C. As you can tell from recent pics, she is now a healthy energetic and -as far as her parents are concerned-too smart for her own good!