Sunday, April 22, 2007

A fun Weekend

Well, we spent the weekend mostly downtown. We had an appreciation dinner we attended on Friday night (mmmm, good food). We brought a babysitter who watched Olivia in the hotel until the event was over, then some friends took the babysitter home. We stayed the night in the hotel, and the next morning we played in the water park. We got a couple hours of fun in before it was nap time. So, we came home, let Olivia sleep, and then came back in the afternoon. Olivia was quite the little water bug. She went down the water slide (with her daddy) a couple times; she was sliding down a toy head first; she jumped off the side 50 times; and she swam in the hot tub. The rest of the weekend was filled with church and mowing the lawn.

Now, just need to get through this week before Mark heads to Vegas for a week! Yeah baby!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Family Easter Picture

This was taken by a friend of ours on Easter Sunday. I had more pictures from this event, but the memory card fell out of the camcorder and was lost. Ugh! Enjoy this one though.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend has been an eventful one. Although away from family, we managed to be quite involved this weekend. On Thursday, we participated in the Passover Sedar Meal in order to gain a greater understanding of the Last Supper. It is quite an intricate meal with lots of symbolism. You can find some information about it here:

On Saturday, we went to a base Easter egg hunt. Olivia did pretty well holding her own. After a good nap, we headed to the beach to hang out with good friends.

Then, on Sunday, we woke up at 5:00 a.m. to attend a sunrise service. We returned to the house to find where the Easter Basket was hidden. Olivia spent the next 3 hours eating candy. Then, we returned to the church for a children's church Easter message, followed by another Easter egg hunt.

We were pretty tired by then, so we came home and Olivia took a nap. When she woke up, we went to eat lunch downtown. After a good lunch, we went to Underwater World. I'm pretty sure the 20 lbs of candy Olivia had eaten provided enough energy for her to run through the exhibit and run laps around the aquariums over and over and over again!

When we returned home, we took the eggs we had colored and hid them outside. Olivia found 9 of 11 before saying she was done. She wanted to crack and eat them. Mainly, she wanted to crack them.

And now, at 6:00, she is ready for bed. Her parents aren't too far behind her. Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend. If you want more, you can always visit the the Yahoo pictures page by clicking the link on the right. Or, you can click here:

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Birthday Diving Pictures

As promised, here are the pics we took on our birthday dive.

Do I look 30?
Cute couple

Courtney Floating



Just hanging out

The sight of the day: White Tipped Reef Sharks x 2!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hot Air

Well, it turns out the typhoon wasn't interested in hitting us. It turned north before reaching Guam. We spent most of the weekend preparing for it though. So, we'll be prepared for the next one. And, that means it is safe to go diving again!
Our little diver

Sunday, April 01, 2007


As of 11:00 a.m., we moved into TCOR 3 (Typhoon Condition of Readiness). This means we are expecting winds greater than 58 mph in the next 48 hours. That means we spent the day moving everything off of our front porch to inside, as well as securing down everything else. We also picked up all the loose coconuts. It will be interesting to see what the storm does in the next day. We'll keep you posted. Or, check this link: