As of 11:00 a.m., we moved into TCOR 3 (Typhoon Condition of Readiness). This means we are expecting winds greater than 58 mph in the next 48 hours. That means we spent the day moving everything off of our front porch to inside, as well as securing down everything else. We also picked up all the loose coconuts. It will be interesting to see what the storm does in the next day. We'll keep you posted. Or, check this link: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/forecasts/GUZ001.php.
I saw about a tsunami and was looking earlier where you guys are exactly and saw that you all were getting ready to get some bad weather as well. Stay safe and huddled down. And YES button down them coconuts for sure! :-)
Keep us informed!! Love you all!
sorry about the time warp in my brain this morning! but when your kids and grandkids have to hide all the coconuts because of a storm a mom and grandma tends to get scared!! Glad it went around you, but keep watching and stay safe
I remember seeing that on the weather channell, and praying for ya'll. Glad the prayers worked!
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