While the spider may conquer quickly, her endurance is limited. She must pace herself with well timed moments of rest. This does make her vulnerable to the jealousy and envy of other competitors who admire her beauty. If seating is unavailable, the spider will climb on top of her father or grandpa in order to move throughout her environment.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween Part III -- The Final Scene
Halloween Part II -- The Deadly Pink Spider
The deadly pink spider can be seen here preparing to pounce.
Halloween I -- The Jack-O-Lantern
Back in MO

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Good news
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Weekly Update
As for Mark, the plan is for me to head out of Guam starting next weekend. I'll try to catch a hop (a military flight), which can be tricky sometimes. But, this is not the busy season, so there should be plenty of seats available. Where those planes are going is the important part! So, this may be a busy week preparing to leave. The plan is to stay through November and return at the end of the month. I'll have to work through December, but then I'll come back and get the whole family when they are ready to return.
No pictures this week, but if you just have time to spend, Blogger has a new toy allowing you to see everyone's pictures: http://play.blogger.com/.
We'll keep you posted on new developments!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Mid October
Saying Goodbye at the Airport
We were able to webcam a bit this week, which was nice. Granted, I get the better end of the deal since Courtney sees me in the morning (not pretty) and I see them in the afternoon (very pretty). Olivia read a book about a horse named Lucille to me.

Grandpa & Olivia at the Zoo
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Holding Grandma Donner's Kitty
A month has passed since leaving Guam. Of course, Mark returned after a couple of weeks, but how are Courtney and Olivia adjusting? Mark & Courtney talk nearly every day, and Olivia wants to talk sometimes. Courtney has become involved in a Bible study, as well as a play group. They have also gone to Barnes & Noble to read, created a care package for daddy, and visited the zoo!


Baking cookies for Daddy's care package
But, it isn't all bad. They are having a lot of fun. They just returned from a weekend in Branson with Grandma Donner and Grandpa Joe. They also got to swim at the hotel pool. Courtney is now 29 weeks pregnant. Can you tell? She continues to have contractions, but nothing is changing. That is good.

Basketball Belly
As always, see more pictures at Flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/taylormadefamily/