Saturday, October 06, 2007


Holding Grandma Donner's Kitty

A month has passed since leaving Guam. Of course, Mark returned after a couple of weeks, but how are Courtney and Olivia adjusting? Mark & Courtney talk nearly every day, and Olivia wants to talk sometimes. Courtney has become involved in a Bible study, as well as a play group. They have also gone to Barnes & Noble to read, created a care package for daddy, and visited the zoo!


Courtney told the story of overhearing Olivia rocking a toy baby to sleep. She was comforting the baby by saying, "It's ok. I know you miss your daddy. He has to work though." She has been a bit more vocal lately saying she wants to come home.

Baking cookies for Daddy's care package

But, it isn't all bad. They are having a lot of fun. They just returned from a weekend in Branson with Grandma Donner and Grandpa Joe. They also got to swim at the hotel pool. Courtney is now 29 weeks pregnant. Can you tell? She continues to have contractions, but nothing is changing. That is good.

Basketball Belly

As always, see more pictures at Flickr:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olivia looks so cute in these pictures! And Courtney definately showing lol..either that or some really bad chinese at Donners lol.
Glad you are doing ok...sounds like you are as you say..*coping*! Thanks for sharing photos!Love you bunches!