Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another Week

Hello! It is Sunday afternoon in Guam. I just returned from church and grocery shopping. It has been a busy week here in Guam after a helicopter crash. It is a stark reminder of the risk our pilots and aircrew have, even when training.

We had a great marriage retreat on Saturday called Heart of the Father. 23 couples joined us at a local hotel. My part was Christian Romance, and I think it went well. Courtney was originally supposed to co-teach with me, but they pushed the date back, and she had already returned State-side.

Courtney is doing well, despite missing her husband! She had a doctor appointment yesterday, and all is still well. Even though she continues to have contractions daily, they are not changing anything. So, just part of this pregnancy. Olivia misses her daddy. She constantly asks when she can go home to Guam. Of course, she is having fun too. Yesterday, they went to the zoo. Today, they went to watch her cousins play football. Courtney and her have found a playgroup to attend, and Courtney has found a Bible study with other moms.

I found this article interesting:
The world's tiniest baby - meet the 10oz bundle of defiance

Amazing pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH my gosh..God certainly has a plan for that little one...I can't imagine 10oz. baby. I am sure you are missing the family as much as they are you! I can hear little Olivia wanting to see her Daddy! I pray that Courtney goes full term in this pregnancy but I also pray you get to see them soon! *but not TOO SOON*
Love you!!