Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Little Pianist

2008 june 082, originally uploaded by counsel14.

We start 'em early around here. Can you see her teeth? She is showing off her two bottoms ones!


Anonymous said...

Give that girl some *bling bling* and she will be set to go lol!
When we loose our teeth when we get old and have that same smile she has we gawk..but put that smile on a baby girl and oh my how cute! lol
Love you guys..make sure that you give hugs and kisses to the little ones from me!

Anonymous said...

you know she came from a musical family.... her dad played trombone in grade school!! lol ( put up with THAT lol ) she always looks so happy!! kiss her and olivia both from grandma donner... love to all four ( is that the piano we found in warrensburg, court? )