The southern half of Guam is just beautiful! We first headed to Jeff's Pirate's Cove where we ate yummy burgers and gyros, followed by a swim in the cove. Easton snorkeled a bit and was able to round out his souvineer shopping at the shop and we learned about the Japanese soldier who hid out in the jungles of Guam for 28 years after WWII. Then we headed down to the cultural village of Gef Pa'go. Next we checked out some wonderful tidal pools. Easton, Liv and Courtney climbed up over the jagged coral to see the waves pounding away as the tide came in. It was a really cool spot. After a quick swim, we went down to Umatac Bay. It is the spot where Magellan first landed in Guam. From there we learned from some local guys about the ruins of the first Spanish Catholic Church and they told us about the "fruit guy" up the hill at Fort Soledad. So, up we went to check out the view. It was amazing-Easton put up some pics of it. Then John (fruit guy) demonstrated how the locals hack the green coconut to get to the juice. He also shared with us some local bananas and star fruit. It was all so good! Katelee especially liked the nana! Wish we had a picture of her attacking it! John also let us pet his carabous. They are huge and so docile. One was pretty curious about Liv and Courtney-a little too curious! The other, as you can see, could care less about us! To round out the day, we stopped at Big Navy to buy Grandma a new camera-hers decided not to focus anymore- and have some dinner before heading home. It was an awesome day!

Goofing off at Gef Pa'go

Exploring the Tidal Pools

Local Bananas

Fort Soledad

Check out the rains across the ocean!

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