Today was an action packed day. We have used Trip Advisor ( to help plan our vacation -- lodging, food, and activities. We found a place called Bonza Bike Tours on there, and we planned a day of biking Sydney on a 4 hour tour. We headed to the place a bit early and set up our bikes. We got a baby seat put on the back of one bike and a trailer put on the back of another. Katelee started out in the baby seat, but the girls switched half way through the tour. Then, unfortunately, Olivia actually fell off the back of the bike (seat and all) while riding by the harbor. This slightly mortified the bike guys, and we actually got the whole day for free. Tomorrow, we are pushing Katelee into the shark tank to see if the Aquarium fee will be scratched! (Kidding, of course).
All in all, we saw a lot of the city we had already seen, but we saw it from new perspectives. And, there were parts of the town we had not seen -- Chinatown, parts of Darling Harbor, the Opera House up close, riding on the Sydney Harbor bridge, Observatory Hill, and a nice pub.
Courtney was quite the super trooper today. After Olivia's spill (she was not injured, and she didn't even cry), she was a bit scared to ride on the seat again. So, Courtney ended up hauling both Katelee and Olivia around half the town. Needless to say, she was tired by the end of the day! We did manage to end the day at a nice Italian Restaurant -- pizza, spaghetti, wine. We will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow's activity will be much more low key!!!
Wow, what a scare Olivia's spill must have been for all of you! Sounds like a great day afterall, though. What wonderful memories you are making--reconnecting, as well. Love to all, g&g
at least with Marks profession..if any PTSD occurs from fall, you will know how to handle it lol!
Sounds like all went well in spite of the fall! I think Courtney definately deserves a spa treatment after that day! lol
Love to all!
how many screws did you have to loosen mark?? lol and court. why didn't mark haul them around?? yeah, i agree with vicki, spa treatment for sure lol since it all turned out to be fun and hurtfree and just FREE ... what a great day!!! thanks for sharing again and again and again.. i love you all four!!!
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