Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Never Let a Crisis go to Waste

Courtney's purse was stolen last week, along with her identification in the purse. This meant we had to make a special trip over to Patrick to get a new ID card. Well, if you are on the coast, you might as well enjoy the beach!

So, after pretty pictures and lamination was complete, we grabbed lunch, found a new purse for Courtney, and headed to the beach. Katelee is still freaked out about the waves and won't go near the water. Olivia actually dove into the waves with her mask. The wave won, sending Olivia tumbling. The girls dug holes, made mermaid tails, made sand angels, and watched the pelicans plunge into the water. We were done after about an hour and a half, and showers and bedtime waited for us at home.

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