Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween -- The final cut

Tonight was the final night of our Halloween week.  Of course, the pentacle of the pumpkin celebration is Trick or Treating!  We set the pumpkins out on our sidewalk, turned up the spooky music, and loaded two baskets with candy.  While Courtney and Tennyson stayed behind to hand out candy, Mark and the girls headed around the block.  Olivia was sporting a butterfly costume, Katelee was a Flower Princess, and Tennyson made a tu-tu look good.  The girls must have done well based on them complaining that their bags were getting too heavy.  So, after a practical sprint from house to house, we ended back at our house in time to unload the stash and begin a healthy binge of sweets right before bedtime.  All in all, the girls had a good time.  Hope you had a Happy Halloween too!


The End

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