Saturday, April 23, 2011


The girls are on a kick of collecting bugs -- mainly roly poly and little black beetle bugs.  Similar to kids hauling a cat all around the house, our girls practically maul these little bugs as they pick them up and put them down and pick them up again.  They generally want to put them in a glass or container and keep them.  We have a "no bugs in the house" rule, as well as a "let them go before you come in" policy.  Today was the big one in terms of bug collection though.  In fact, I believe Olivia named him Black Eyes.  I'm not totally sure what it is . . . beetle?  roach?  water bug?  Not sure.  But, he did his time in the cage, and then he was released to the wild back yard.  Who knows, maybe he'll be caught again another day.

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