Saturday, April 19, 2008
Poon Party
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mark picked her up and took her back to her bedroom. He placed her back in her bed. She seemed scared and repeated that critters were in her bed. We turned on the light and searched the bed for critters. None. Mom came in about that time, and Mark went back to sleep. She got Olivia back to sleep by climbing into bed with her and singing to her.
2:37 a.m. -- The night was dark and silent, except for a little girl whispering in Mark's ear. "Dad, there are critters in my bed. He walked her back down the hallway, but they stopped in Katelee's room. The room still has the double bed in it from the grandparents' visit. He tucked her in there, left the light on, and went back to sleep.
2:38 a.m. -- Mark heard a noise in the hallway, so he got back up and checked it out. Olivia had shut the door to Katelee's room so no critters could get into the room. And, the rest of the night was quiet. Olivia actually slept until 7:30 (an hour and a half past normal).
Was it a dream? Was it real? Only Olivia really knows.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Vacation Day 12

Vacation Day 11

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Vacation Day 10

Monday, April 07, 2008
Vacation Day 9 (edited version)
After Olivia's nap, they tried out Olivia's new cooking set -- complete with baking pan and cookie cutouts. Mark made it home a bit after 5, and everyone headed to the Jamaican Grill for Jerk Chicken and Ribs.
Tomorrow: another boat dive for Courtney and Wade. Grandma will play on the beach with the girls. Mark will be working with no bitterness.

Katelee eats her first rice in preparation for Jamaican Jerk Chicken
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Vacation Day 8

After diving, one is quite hungry. So, we all headed to Jan Z's restaurant. Grandma, Katelee, and Olivia had another big day of playing in the park next to the marina. Katelee did well again, eating a little rice when she got hungry. Olivia took her 3-wheeler and zipped around the park. She was even invited to ride on a Caribou, which she accepted!
Everyone enjoyed a laid back evening, and Courtney invited everyone to watch "Becoming Jane." Unfortunately, the blog needed updated, so Mark wasn't able to watch. Maybe another night. However, Mark heads back to work tomorrow, so he may be a bit tired at night. Could he be more tired than after a day of chasing the grandparents around all day though?
Friday, April 04, 2008
Vacation Day 7
So, we all woke up early this morning (6 a.m.), fed Katelee, and headed south to the Marina. We fed Katelee again when we got to the boat (8 a.m.), and then we said goodbye for 4 hours. Grandma was on her own! But, the story we got was Katelee did fine.
Meanwhile, underwater, we enjoyed "The Blue Hole" and "Coral Gardens." Enjoy a few pics below (and more at Flickr).

Thursday, April 03, 2008
Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 5
After nap, we headed to GPO, a local mall, and the movie theater. We saw Horton Hears a Who, which seems to have gotten a "A" from our group. I believe I heard out-loud-laughter from our group.
After the movie, the hunting instincts of the women kicked in as we entered Ross. I think I actually saw them drooling. I know Katelee was. A couple pair of shoes and some seat cushions later, we left for the food court and dinner. After dinner, we enjoyed a bit of local entertainment as some kids performed dance routines outside the mall.
No pictures from today, so I'll just post one from earlier in the week.
What's on tap tomorrow: Underwater World in the morning and a hair stylist named Marko in the afternoon. Wade & Mark will find alternative afternoon activities!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Vacation Day 4 (Part 2)
I want some meat on a stick!
Look at all the necklaces I got out of Grandma

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Vacation Day 4

Vacation Day 3 (Part 2)
Pre-Dinner Reading of War and Peace
