Thursday, April 03, 2008

Vacation Day 5

Well, Mark & Courtney finally ventured beyond the city walls without the little ones. It is the first time we have left Katelee for any extended period of time since she won't take a bottle. But, we tried it. We headed to Navy for a quick trip and were back a bit after lunch. We received a call on the way back though wondering how much longer we'd be gone since Katelee wasn't agreeing to the bottle-negotiations. This may make our weekend dive plans a bit more complicated!

After nap, we headed to GPO, a local mall, and the movie theater. We saw Horton Hears a Who, which seems to have gotten a "A" from our group. I believe I heard out-loud-laughter from our group.

After the movie, the hunting instincts of the women kicked in as we entered Ross. I think I actually saw them drooling. I know Katelee was. A couple pair of shoes and some seat cushions later, we left for the food court and dinner. After dinner, we enjoyed a bit of local entertainment as some kids performed dance routines outside the mall.

No pictures from today, so I'll just post one from earlier in the week.

What's on tap tomorrow: Underwater World in the morning and a hair stylist named Marko in the afternoon. Wade & Mark will find alternative afternoon activities!

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