Tuesday, April 15, 2008


2:00 a.m. -- The night was dark and silent, except for the whir of the fan on the dresser. As Mark slept, a silent killer crept up his neck. It felt like a hermit crab coming to attack and claim its prize. As Mark went to slap it off his neck, he realized it was actually Olivia's hand feeling for him in the darkness. "There is a critter in my bed," she said.

Mark picked her up and took her back to her bedroom. He placed her back in her bed. She seemed scared and repeated that critters were in her bed. We turned on the light and searched the bed for critters. None. Mom came in about that time, and Mark went back to sleep. She got Olivia back to sleep by climbing into bed with her and singing to her.

2:37 a.m. -- The night was dark and silent, except for a little girl whispering in Mark's ear. "Dad, there are critters in my bed. He walked her back down the hallway, but they stopped in Katelee's room. The room still has the double bed in it from the grandparents' visit. He tucked her in there, left the light on, and went back to sleep.

2:38 a.m. -- Mark heard a noise in the hallway, so he got back up and checked it out. Olivia had shut the door to Katelee's room so no critters could get into the room. And, the rest of the night was quiet. Olivia actually slept until 7:30 (an hour and a half past normal).

Was it a dream? Was it real? Only Olivia really knows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aaaawwwwww ........... bless her heart!!! what kind of critter?? lol her dad use to have monsters in the closet.... lol