It is my turn to brag on Mark-and to share our news! Several months ago-April, I think, Mark put in a package (applied) for a fellowship in the world of operational and aviation psychology.
We learned today that he has been selected! (Congratulations, Babe, I never had a doubt!) If my understanding is correct, this fellowship will allow him to move out of the clinic and into more of the line-side operations of the military. Apparently, there is quite a difference between Med Group and the rest of the AF. He will focus more on prevention than on damage control.
We don't know many of the particulars, but one thing we do know out Florida! Here we come! The fellowship will take us to the panhandle sometime this summer/fall. It should make for an awesome opportunity for Mark, a good transition locale for us since we will still get our fill of sand and sun and be a great vacation spot for visitors-without them having to fly around the world!
In case you can't guess, I am super excited and super proud of my husband. Sometimes it seems he leads a charmed life, but get to know him a bit, and anyone would learn luck has nothing to do with it. He is hard working, responsible, generous, an amazing father and husband...I believe God blesses Mark because Mark blesses God. Does that make sense? It does to me.
Mark, you are my best friend, my greatest hero.
With All My Admiration...Court