Monday, November 03, 2008

Kisses for Daddy

Yesterday was a Monday, through and through. One bittersweet moment I tried to catch on camera. After I got Katelee up from her nap she spied the picture of Mark and Liv on the wall in the hallway. From that moment on all I heard was "Da-dy, Da-dy, Da-dy". So, taking the photo from the wall, I handed it to her.

Giving Kisses
She clung to it, patting Daddy's face, hugging the photo to her, giving kisses and just snuggling. I guess when you can't have the real thing, you just have to make do. All I could do was smile through my tears.


Anonymous said...

well I needed that cry precious of a moment..and yet how sad that this deployment is so hard on everyone and we often forget just how hard it is on the children of those serving our country! I was so inspired that you just let her have the picture and do with it what she wanted instead of fearing it would break or something..those moments can never be replaced!!! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

do you have stock in kleenix or something?? lol as you said,, what a bittersweet moment.. bless her heart. now i know you REALLY deserve that 'real' coffee cup lol ( you will know what i mean) I love you all hang in there sunshine!