Today started super early, as we pulled off base at about 6:30am to catch a boat dive out of Agat. The first shot is of Grandpa checking the time as we decsend. Unfortunately, he had a miserable dive -mask would not clear and we think he must have gotten "mask sqeeze". When I looked at him half way thru the dive, his eyes looked nearly swollen shut! He refused to surface, stubborn man, so we finished the dive, getting some cool shots of the 4 anenome and 3 lionfish we found. I still got cold, but never chilled, so that was good! The second dive, we did a bit of snorkeling which, for me, was just as good!

In the evening, we rescued Grandma from cabin fever by making a run to Chamorro Village where we...watched some island dancers...

took a ride on the swings-which Katelee was begging to try...

sucked down some fruit slushies...

fought the crowds to accomplish all-important shopping...

until we piled back into the car, tired and happy!