Tuesday, March 24, 2009

G&G Vacation Day 3

Gab Gab was calling our name, so off into the wild blue water we went! It felt good to get back in the water-good and cold! We saw two turtles right off the bat, so we were pretty excited and satisfied with the dive as a whole, even though we did not find the anenome everyone tells me is magnificent. I am sure it is. I just can't find the darn thing. Since Grandma suffered through most of the day with the kiddos, she was treated to a massage after the girls went to bed-not nearly a sufficient thank you for all that she has done! Sorry no underwater pics. Forgot the camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those girls are growing up way too fast lol......Daddy better put a guard at the door to keep them boys away lol