Saturday, June 18, 2011

Memorial Day Vacation ... Day 5

Our final day of vacation included a short 2 mile hike.  We had a great day for it -- cloudy and cool.  Once we got to the end of the trail, we pulled out lunch and found a place to sit.  Then, we made the return hike.

 Once we got back from our hike, we broke open some kites.  I'm not sure if Olivia had more fun . . . or Courtney!

 We concluded our day with a good rock hunting trip.  We found a lot of really cool rocks.  Katelee, on the other hand, found the bag of GORP and ate all the M&Ms out of it.

Memorial Day Vacation ... Day 4

On Day 4, our big adventure was the Puye Cliff Dwellings.  We did the top tour first, which let us ride to the top of the cliff and get a tour of the remains.  It was quite interesting.  Then, we rode back down to the Welcome Center, looked at the artifacts down there, and decided to do another tour -- this one on the side of the cliffs.  We had a big scare when Courtney tripped going up some stairs and Tennyson took a tumble out of her arms and onto the stairs.  She bonked her head pretty good, but she was checked out by some paramedics, and she was fine. 

 We tried to snag some lunch at a couple places, but they were closed.  So, we just parked near a bridge that ran over the Rio Grande, and we let the girls wade in the river.  It was quite chilly, so they didn't last long.  Then, it was off to dinner at the house.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Memorial Day Vacation ... Day 3

On Day 3, we decided to explore the Taos area in search of a hot springs.  Directions were snagged from several hiking and travel websites.  The route took us over the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, which was quite impressive. 

Evidently, directions are a bit over-rated.  We also had Courtney's i-phone, so what could go wrong?   Well, we ended up in the middle of a field!  No hot springs around.  So, we plugged in new directions, and headed off in another direction.  This one took us up some wonderful one-lane roads into a National Forest.  Unfortunately, we finally reached a spot so washed out, the truck couldn't go any further.  So, we turned around and headed for another spot.  The trek does have a happy ending though.  We finally found a spot with hot springs -- Black Rock Hot Springs.  So, we enjoyed them for a while before heading into Taos for dinner and dessert.  Bedtime came early this night!

Good Morning World 

Our final resting spot for the hot springs.  We had to hike down about half a mile before reaching two small pools.  Some people were already in the upper pool, so we settled on the lower one.  Katelee was not a fan of the mud bottom.  Once the others left, we moved to the upper pool, which was much warmer and nicer.  If ignorance is bliss, we could have probably gone the rest of the trip without seeing a big snake emerge from the lower pool as we were leaving.  Whew!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Memorial Day Vacation . . . Day 2

Day 2 began with . . . well, what's a better way to start the day than at a winery.  We headed to the local winery (1 of 3).  Courtney sampled several different bottles, and she seemed very happy the rest of the day.  And, the owner seemed happy when we bought a couple of bottles of his wine.  Then, we headed to lunch.  Lunch was enjoyed at a fun cafe' called Zuly's.  

The afternoon was reserved for naps for the youngest girls.  In the meantime, Olivia and dad conquered the mountain behind the house, climbing to 6400 feet.  Olivia was quite proud of herself.

After the girls woke up, we decided we would hike some more around the house.  We had spotted several "really" green trees in the arroyos, and we figured they may be next to a spring or water source.  So, we drove up the canyon a little ways before hopping out to explore.  Unfortunately, we did not find any water.  But, all scrambled up the mountain for some great views (including Tennyson).

If wine is the way to start the day (according to Courtney), then S'mores are the way to end the day (according to Mark).  So, we had some great bratwurst on the BBQ, followed by roasting of marshmallows.  Courtney enjoyed a MOUS (marshmallow of unusual size) along with the average sized ones.  And the girls seemed to do well just to get the chocolate in their mouths.

All in all, it was a good day (with 3 days to go)!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Memorial Day Vacation ... Day 1

We were able to escape the flat lands of Clovis over Memorial Day weekend and find the mountains of north central New Mexico.  We rented a great adobe house in Dixon, NM and stayed several days.  It was situated at the base of a mountain, which was well explored.  In fact, within 15 minutes of arriving, the girls headed up the 6,200 foot hill.  We settled into bed a little late that night, but that turned out to be common since it didn't get dark until after 8:00.  And, since the house had many windows, it was quite light at night and early in the morning.  More about Day 2 later.