Friday, June 03, 2011

Memorial Day Vacation ... Day 3

On Day 3, we decided to explore the Taos area in search of a hot springs.  Directions were snagged from several hiking and travel websites.  The route took us over the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, which was quite impressive. 

Evidently, directions are a bit over-rated.  We also had Courtney's i-phone, so what could go wrong?   Well, we ended up in the middle of a field!  No hot springs around.  So, we plugged in new directions, and headed off in another direction.  This one took us up some wonderful one-lane roads into a National Forest.  Unfortunately, we finally reached a spot so washed out, the truck couldn't go any further.  So, we turned around and headed for another spot.  The trek does have a happy ending though.  We finally found a spot with hot springs -- Black Rock Hot Springs.  So, we enjoyed them for a while before heading into Taos for dinner and dessert.  Bedtime came early this night!

Good Morning World 

Our final resting spot for the hot springs.  We had to hike down about half a mile before reaching two small pools.  Some people were already in the upper pool, so we settled on the lower one.  Katelee was not a fan of the mud bottom.  Once the others left, we moved to the upper pool, which was much warmer and nicer.  If ignorance is bliss, we could have probably gone the rest of the trip without seeing a big snake emerge from the lower pool as we were leaving.  Whew!

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