Saturday, June 18, 2011

Memorial Day Vacation ... Day 4

On Day 4, our big adventure was the Puye Cliff Dwellings.  We did the top tour first, which let us ride to the top of the cliff and get a tour of the remains.  It was quite interesting.  Then, we rode back down to the Welcome Center, looked at the artifacts down there, and decided to do another tour -- this one on the side of the cliffs.  We had a big scare when Courtney tripped going up some stairs and Tennyson took a tumble out of her arms and onto the stairs.  She bonked her head pretty good, but she was checked out by some paramedics, and she was fine. 

 We tried to snag some lunch at a couple places, but they were closed.  So, we just parked near a bridge that ran over the Rio Grande, and we let the girls wade in the river.  It was quite chilly, so they didn't last long.  Then, it was off to dinner at the house.

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