Friday, January 25, 2008

The Downside of Bunkbeds or Lofts

So, one of the things I've noticed is -- Olivia's new bed was not made with parents in mind. About every other night Olivia is in some weird position (as below), and I have to get her back to where she is supposed to be (head near the slide on left of picture). If she is just a little scooted down, no biggie. I can reach her. But, when she is way down, like tonight, I have to crawl into the bed, pick her up, and move her back up. So, one may question: Why not just leave her as she is. One, the blankets are tucked in on the right. Second, I fear she will not sleep as well, wake up earlier, and end up waking me at 5 in the morning. I could test that, but I'd rather just crawl into the bed at this point.

Katelee continues to grow. I think she is up to 50 some odd pounds or so . . . at least that is what she feels like in her car seat. Why are my biceps not just huge? She did have another doctor's appointment today regarding the diarrhea and fever. They took some blood, which meant pokes in the arms before finding a good spot in the hand. We'll wait for results now. Maybe it is all the sand she is eating!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

katelee looks like she would eat anything in her way lol wow! she is growing so fast! As for the bed... it looks awful high up with too low a bar for toocareful grandmas!! love and miss you all four!