Monday, January 21, 2008

Mid January

Well, we are over halfway through January, and all is beginning to settle into a routine. Unfortunately, part of that routine has been dealing with a sick baby. Katelee continues to have diarrhea and a low-grade fever. She has had it about two weeks now. She has seen the doctor, and they even tried to get some blood for labs (unsuccessfully). She is a bit fussier than normal, but she is eating well. In fact, she is up to 9 lbs 2 oz. Her latest trick includes grinning, and we may have even gotten a giggle out of her.

We are mostly settled into our new home. Most of the boxes are gone, but we are still finding places to put things. Courtney has had some friends step up and take the "So you want to organize a house" challenge. They have been quite helpful, even if it makes Mark quite uncomfortable to know women are organizing his underwear drawers!

We have also seen some much generosity in people preparing meals for us. We have had lasagna and pork loin and salads and cheesecake and lemon cake and mac & cheese and rice and the list goes on. It has helped tremendously as we have been unpacking on much less sleep than normal. We also had a fun get-together on Friday with friends to BBQ and hang out. Even with the two rain storms that created a bit of mud for the kids to find, it was fun.

Olivia continues to be a loving big sister . . . maybe too loving at times. She loves to be in her face and hug her. She doesn't act too jealous, but her behavior has taken on a "I'll test all your boundaries" quality. Is that "New Sibling" behavior or "I'm 3 and live with me" behavior? Not sure.

Well, speaking of less sleep, it is time to squeeze some in between feedings. Enjoy the latest pics!

2:00 a.m. feeding

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