It is another peaceful day in Guam. The sun is shining and the wind is gently blowing. Courtney is pushing Olivia on the swing as Katelee rests and Mark piddles inside. Then, as Courtney examines some Gecko eggs in the palm tree, something brushes her shoulder as it falls to the earth. Screeching, she runs to the house as quickly as possible. Oh yeah, she needs to get Olivia. She calmly grabs Olivia while the unwelcomed visitor heads toward the swing set. She makes it inside to stutter, "snake . . . fell . . . on me."
By the time we made it back outside, the brown tree snake had found a nice hiding place in the kids' fort. Mark managed to coax it out with a broom handle, and then decapitate it with a shovel. The body will continue to move for quite a while after the head is removed, so Olivia kept thinking it was still alive. She did finally touch it though.

Trying to keep Olivia from having a snake phobia
ughhhh....If that had been me,you would have heard me *screeching* all the way to the States!! I looked at the site you linked to them...fangs in the Back of their jaw or not...KILL IT!!! lolll. And I am with Olivia...if its still squirming...RUN!! lollll
Love all be safe over there!
did you also teach her that she had to squat real close and look to see if their eyes were round or slanted to see if they are dangerouis??? lol makes goosebumps to just read it and see the pics!! mark, you looked quite proud of yourself lol
buy some mothballs..... love and miss you guys
Court, I'm so impressed that you walked back out there to get Olivia. I think that would have been a GREAT job for Mark!
I would consider myself to be one of the millions who HAVE a snake phobia, and I don't think it's such a bad thing! I haven't been bitten yet!
HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA you need one of these USDA snake traps with the little mice in there like behind my house. Put it right there on the swing. The kids can have a pet mouse. Not to give you whateveraphobia but I'm betting it's been there all along, wonder why it lost it's balance?!Drank too much sweet tuba? LOL See ya round the hood! Jess
That's quite a snake there! I don't blame her, I would have been freaked myself.
Miss you guys!
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