Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vacation Day 1

Grandma and Grandpa arrived safely yesterday. So, what do you do with Day 1? Considering the jetlag, you have to get some sunlight! Thus, head for the beach! Of course, style is everything, and Olivia has done her job to make sure we are looking good.

Of course, a little time was set aside to spoil the grandkids too. Olivia actually slept until 8:30 this morning (after keeping her up until 8:30 last night). That gave plenty of time to enjoy time out on the porch with Katelee before Olivia woke up and showed off her tricycle skills.

We headed down to Tarague Beach for about an hour. That gave time to get into the ocean, find some shells, and catch some hermit crabs.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing while Mark worked. Yes, Mark had to work this weekend. But that is ok. He has the rest of the week off!

Tomorrow? Diving!

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