At the end of a very uneventful day (I did not even get out of my jammies til after noon) the girls and I headed down to Tumon Bay with some friends. It was a bit cool-for Guam-but a good time was had by all. Katelee has officially become a beach baby-she was loving the water and would go in all by herself! She even laughed when she fell and got her face in the water. Olivia had fun and is such a great big sister. After getting the water bugs cleaned up, we headed to dinner. Taco salad. Yum. Now the girs are both snug in bed-as I plan to be soon! Only got the one photo, but that is something!
did i make beach bums out of all of you??? lol glad you are out, about, and enjoying your island. and glad katelee has decided she loves the beach too!! grandma donner will teach 'her' to body surf next trip lol love and miss you all
everyone deserves some lazy days!
Glad that Katelee is enjoying the water now, next time we see her she will be hanging ten lollll
Love you guys
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