Monday, January 26, 2009

Reading Nook

Not too long ago, I reagrranged furniture in our living room and ended up creating a little reading nook for the girls. It has recently become a favorite spot-especially for Katelee...check it out!

The girls sharing some quiet time in the afternoon.

On this day, all Katelee wanted to do was cuddle up with teddy and share a story...if only he were not so big. As you can see, little deters her once she sets her mind.
Not feeling so great, but cute as can be.

I was again taken by her quiet time and snuck over to catch the moment on film...
Her reaction was less than thrilled-she is basically telling me off in this shot!


Anonymous said...

What a great area! It cracks me up the girls like their little nook! Evidently, don't mess with quiet time!

Anonymous said...

well do you like to be interupted when you are reading? lolll
Cute area and am sure it will also be the new fort with a sheet placed up above as well lol
Love you all