Thursday, January 08, 2009

Vacation Day 5

We started today at the doctor again-Liv was up hollering for an hour last night about her ear hurting. Thankfully, more meds helped, allowing her to sleep and allowing us the chance to avoid a long night at the ER. As is turns out, the girl does not have an infection at all, which is good, but does get some severe pain when pressure builds due to congestion. Poor girl. After the doc, we headed out for an alternator and doughnuts. Perfect combination! Hopefully the car will hold out til next Friday since that is the first chance the hobby shop folks can fit us in. It started like a dream all day today-still, better get some jumper cables, just in case!

About noon, after talking to Daddy, we headed out to Jeff's Pirates' Cove for lunch. Look at all the pretty girls!

And a little beach time!

Liv met a little Japanese girl-there was certainly no language barrier for these two!

Hammocks make for a perfect lazy day in the sun...we all had fun just a'swinging.

LaDonna was blown away by some local regulars... (bananas)


Our final stop was to see the old Spanish ruins.

It was a good day, a tiring day. Here, the girls hold hands while asleep in the back seat. Sisterly love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

once again some great pictures!
It's *almost* like actually being there with ya!
Poor Liv..bless her heart..I hope that she gets some relief for her ear ache..I can truly relate to that!
Enjoy the time together and splash once for me next trip to the beach!
Love you all...give each other hugs and kisses from ME!