Last weekend, Guam was visited by the Christain band Sonic Flood. Our chapel praise team went to the concert on Saturday night and then hung out a little while at the beach with them on Sunday-there is a pic from Sunday, but I don't have it yet. Sunday, the two protestent services combined, so we got to worship with the gospel folks and man can they rock it out! The energy was contagious and we all had a ball! It was also very cool to spend time with the praise team outside of chapel-what an amazing group.

Eating out is something we tend to do 2-3 times per week, and on this particular occation, we were at a local chinese favorite enjoying some honey walnut shrimp (although, I am certain not as good as what LaDonna made!) They love the kids at this place and always bring out a dish of ice cream for each. As you can see, Katelee enjoyed it immensely-as she licked the dish clean!

We are certainly a household of girls-playing dress-up is a regular thing- and not just dressup-it has to be princess dress up. Here, Liv poses with the crown our friend made her. She has told me just recently that she is not a princess, though. At least not yet. Not until she marries Nolan...oh, my. She is not even 4 yet! I tell her she is a princess to Dad and I, but she just shrugs her shoulders as if to say, "whatever mom, I already told you. Not til I'm married. To Nolan" Lorri, what are we going to do with these two? 

Sounds like a great time and opportunity to be able to praise and enjoy time with Sonic Flood!!
I imagine that the power of God was surely in that place as *the praises went up and the blessings came down*! I always loved those services when it was just praising and feeling HIS presence!
Am glad you are able to keep busy and that time is passing by quickly for wont be long till your man is home :-)
Thanks for the to you all!
wow,, bet you had a ball!!! wish i could have been there to hear you guys ( and eat lol ) and thanks for the compliment lol the pics are great, you're doing fine keeping up, and like vicki, am glad it is going good for you . and to think i thought you might miss me lol!!!
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